Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Let's Really See Some Paper

ONE LITTLE MONKEY JUMPING ON THE BED. His mama snapped a photo and then she said, “I should be angry but instead, I’m gonna scrap this moment on yellow, green, blue and red.” One little monkey swinging in the tree. The mama snapped a photo for all to see. Jack’s World will be perfect, you will agree for all of the mama’s and their little monkeys.

HELLO MUDDAH, HELLO FADDAH scrap your memories from Camp Granada. They’ll look
lovely on this paper embellished with scalloped scissors and your stapler. Add some
Blackboard for dimension and we have stamps now, we’d like to mention. Clear a space then, why are you waiting? When it comes to Mr. Campy there’s no hesitating.

ONCE UPON A MIDNIGHT DREARY, while I pondered weak and weary, over many a quaint and curious photo of Halloween lore. With Haunted I sat happily scrapping, when suddenly there came a tapping as if someone gently rapping, rapping at my scraproom door. “Tis the UPS man,” I noticed with rub ons, blackboard and something more.


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! How can you do this to a girl!!! HOW DELIGHTFULLY WONDERFUL! I am in scrappy dreamland now! Dreaming of getting my lil' fingers on some Cosmo goodness!!! YOUR AMAZING!

Jon, The Warehouse Guy said...

I am having some trouble with blogger this morning. I don't know why the video so far below the title?!? It isn't like that in the preview box!

Maren said...

I think the space prolongs the anticipation...perfectly executed, even if by accident!!!

I don't know how you guys do it....everyone of those lines is equally FANTASTIC!!

BethW said...

Worth the wait-stamps are out of this world.And the Haunted- it had better be in stores soon!

Latisha said...

Ok love the paper, but STAMPS, STAMPS! Cosmo Cricket now has stamps to match...absolute paper crafting heaven >"<

cbk said...

My own little monkeys will just love yours!! Great new papers, I especially love the Jack's World line (great colors) and the Haunted skelleton rub-ons and stamp. Thanks for the preview.

Heidi Cocca said...

The Mr. Campy line made my heart skip a beat -- LOVE IT!!

Katja said...

loving all of them !!!!! unfortunately very hard to get hold of in the UK.........thank goodness for internet shopping !!!!! :o)

Natasja Cats - Verbeek said...

ooooooooo my gosh!! I just fainted!
LOVE it is an understatement!

Julie Howard said...

Ooooo... can't wait to get my chubby little hands on the Mr. Campy line! How fun!!

Mary Dawn said...

y'all are messed up !


the paper ain't bad either LOL

Mary Dawn said...

hey jon, if you'll do < div> and < /div> at the beginning and end (no spaces) it should clear up the spacing issue at the top, i think...it works sometimes :/

Kimmie said...

i need that mr campy line bad...so if you need my addy Jon (considering they stole your thunder and wouldnt let u sneek around) to send me this...let me know

Colleen said...

Oh my, what great lines coming out. I love the Mr. Campy and Haunted lines and will need to get my hands on them as soon as possible.

Lea Sanders said...

OMG! Totally love all of them! =)

Val said...

Wow! Awesome papers!!!

Chris said...

wowsers! :)

Elaine said...

These papers need to jump right into my hands, right now!!! Love them all especially Mr. Campy!!

Happay Mommay aka Happay Scrappay said...

I love it all!

Denise G said...

I just love everything!!! Oh my!!! You guys are so fantastic! The videos are so entertaining too.
Denise G

luvzenkm2 (Leea) said...

Cool, Cool, Cool, and did I mention cool...loving it all.....

Davinie Fiero said...

Seriously? :sigh:

MichelleB said...

These are all just fabulous! Once again...more fabulous releases from you. Thanks for keeping up the inspiration...and the funny videos!

Unknown said...

these are all SO CUTE! I can't wait to get my hands on them all!!!!

Michelle Whitlow said...

love, love, LOVE IT ALL!!!! You guys are great!!!

Houston said...

Wow, beautiful! Thanks Jon!

vtpuggirl said...

Wowza! Love it all!

All That Chit Chat said...

WEEEE Heeeeeee!! Good stuff!

Lauri {Scrap Attack} said...

LOVE THEM!! THE Haunted line is to die for!!

Monica Jo said...

As if the paper and blackboard arent cute enough you go and add stamps..WOOOHOOOO. I love the poems. Cosmo Cricket's creativity is endless. This is why you are the #1 company in my book. I can NOT wait to get my hands on all 3 lines. Thank you so much for all the cool, fun new products.

Unknown said...

This paper is gorgeous, all of it!!! I can't wait to get my hands on it!

Cheryl said...

We love you guys! You are always so much fun, wish I could work there! I have you on AUTO-SHIP so we don't have to wait as long as everyone else!! hehehe

Latrice said...

I just want to know how to get a job at Cosmo Cricket!! You guys are fabulous. Great videos and way to keep it fun.

Any design team spots opening up?

Lydia said...

clonk my jaw just dropped - I am loving the HAUNTED line - I need to get some of that yummyness

Lulu said...

Oh wow! I can't decide which is my favorite!! I think it's Mr.Campy, and we aren't even campers! lol! You guys have seriously out done yourselves! I'm in love! :)

Unknown said...

OH WOW! I am completely enamored with Haunted! LOVE them all!

holly b said...

Thank you for sharing. Love it all!

Carmen O. said...

OH My! Loving the new lines! Really gotta have them! Especially the Campy and Haunted ones. Lovin that you have stamps too now! woohoo!

Erin Glee said...

These three new lines are SO COOL! I love them all. I can't view the video, so I"LL BE BACK, Mr. Jon-the-warehouse-guy!

Shannon said...

I love it... Cute stuff... but Jon didn't you want to do a giveaway;)


Sherry Bueche said...

How did you know that Halloween is my favorite holiday? Wee haw! Mr Campy is total coolness too!

Jon, The Warehouse Guy said...


Yesterday you wanted to see paper, today you want the show back? I figured y'all would rather see the paper, so I figured it was time to make the reveal.

Thanks for all the positive comments, we're really excited about this release.

Holly Denghel said...

This is SO COOL!! I am LOVING the new lines. Great colors, fabulous patterns. And the blackboard rocks!! I can't wait to get my hands on those leaves. CC, you've outdone yourselves. My hat is off to you.

Natasja Cats - Verbeek said...

Hey Jon I sure hope you going back to school doesn't mean you are completely leaving CC!!

connie said...

WOW--love it all BUT can't wait for the Halloween one!!

lynnquiltsalot said...

Only 115 shopping days until Halloween! The "Haunted" skeleton rub-ons and stamps are too cute; can't wait for it to hit the stores.

Debbie Olson said...

Amazing--SO much fun in one place!!

Amy Wing said...

That is the best freakin' Halloween kit I've ever seen! I'm not a big Halloween scrapper... but now I'm gonna be digging out all those Halloween pics.

And the monkeys! Oh the monkeys!
All three lines are fantastic!

I can't see the video right now, though... I'll have to check back later?

Anna Sigga said...

fabulous stuff and I am loving those stamps!

FrancineB said...

Fabulous collections! Wow, you guys really outdid yourselves.

JJ Sobey said...

Thanks Jon - I knew we could count on you!

I seriously want those Halloween papers!!

Shari said...

Thanks for all the sneak peeks - it all looks FABULOUS!! I am so excited to hear you are coming out with stamps for each collection too! Really loving the Halloween collection!!

Trish- Advocare Advisor said...

Wow!! awesome paper!! love the haunted line!!

Charity Hassel said...

get out! this stuff so rocks the house that there should be a warning label so a girl doesn't slip on her own drool! wow!

Anthea said...

OH MY LORDIE!!! fanfreakingtastic!!! I am inlove all over again!

dawn said...

Fantastic that you will have stamps now! Yipee!
I love the paper too - I can't decide which I like more but Mr Campy and Haunted are both favorites.

Suzanne said...

Wow what a great trio of new lines. The Mr Campy set is just fabulous!

Ms said...



I was married on Halloween (10 years ago this year) and I MUST have each piece of that collection- when, oh, when will we be able to get our grubby lil' hands on it??? MUST HAVE !

Karen said...


I can't decide which I love more- the Halloween line or the Monkeys!! I see a spending binge in my future!

Beth said...

wowzers! love it all!

Susan said...

I LOVE the papers! and I think I love the little diddies that introduce each of them almost as much!! Hello Muddah Hello Faddah is a favorite!

Debbie O'Neal said...

I have just got to get my hands on the Happy Camper paper !! Too darn cute and very different. The other paper lines are very cute too but I have a Happy Camper mini album in mind that this paper will be perfect for !!! Great Job Cosmo Cricket!

Unknown said...

oh man!!!!!!!!!!

I am in LOOOOOOVVVVEEE with Mr.Campy!!!!

I am holding my breath until I can get some- please tell us it's shipping right away!!!!


Jana Eubank said...

Sigh! Seriously, can you just send me like 10 of everything NOW!!! ;) LOVE it all!!!!

Shannon said...

Great papers, the Halloween collection is my favorite! Soo wonderful,and I love the poems!

Emily said...

Oh, I must, I must, I must have it all!!!!! So excited for all this awesomeness but I NEED Mr. Campy NOW!!!! What is a girl to do? Waiting is such dreary.

Nicole K/GothamGal said...

Mr. Campy and Haunted.
Seriously, what can I do to get these???
These are WONDERFUL!!!!

CalleLillyCafe said...

I'll take one of each please! I LOVE these papers & ALL that goes with!!

waleska said...

WOWZERS! I love it all! I really do
and stamps??! whoohoo! :)

Beverley Todd said...

Love, Love, Love it all!

Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer
‘Eric’ said I ‘or Julie, give me new goodies, I implore;
But the fact is I was scrapping, & I have no time for napping
Cuz I fear there is a gap in the Cosmo stash upon my floor
& now I start to panic, throwing wide the scrap room door
I need more Cosmo, nothing more

Back into my scrap room turning, all my soul within me yearning
For the CHA releases somewhat newer than before
‘Surely‘, said I, ‘surely that is, my destiny … the fact is…
Only Cosmo lines will satisfy my yearning to explore
Let my heart be still a moment - my inner artist must explore: -
Cosmo Cricket … Nothing more!

Create It Simply said...

Looks like another great line up. Especially like Mr Campy. Thanks for the peek!!

Lisa G. said...

WOW!! I love all those papers!! Can't wait to get my little hands on some!!

ScrapMomOf2 said...

HOLY MOLY! The Haunted line is the CUTEST Halloween line EVER! OMG! It's fantastic!

I don't camp, but I might have to start JUST so that I can use the Mr. Campy line! WOW!!

You guys are amazing!

Jon, what can I say, I'm such a fan of yours. I want a Jon button! How would I get one of those?? Please!?!

Kimmarie Baker said...

Looks like I will be getting the entire Haunted Line! Love it all! great work as usual!

Craft Accident said...

I just passed out from glee!

eclectic_Paperie said...

Loved "the reveal". Thanks, Jon, for taking matters into your hands. We are all grateful and very excited. Can't wait to see the great collection in person. Cheers!

Linda Beeson said...

I am not into Halloween at all but those papers are just amazing for a whole lot of other occasions. Can't wait to get my hands on some! Waiting is NOT my strong suit!

Molly said...

Ok, hello, I am DYING to have all of this paper!!!!

Nicole said...

Love the new lines! You guys Rock!

chubbymo75 said...

FANTASTIC!!! It has been difficult waiting for the reveal but definately worth it! All of it is so clever, makes me wish I was going camping! Haunted is a must have and the blackboard shapes are too cute! Will have to use those to decorate for Halloween! I can't wait!!!

Debbie Fisher (debbiedee) said...

oh my!!! I love the Happy Camper and halloween set

Unknown said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this! Especially that woodgrain pp and the haunted collection

rachel said...

Charity Hassel said...
get out! this stuff so rocks the house that there should be a warning label so a girl doesn't slip on her own drool! wow!

HAH HAH HAH!!! Too funny!

I LOVE Mr. Campy and I too am not even a camper. I haven't been camping in over a decade! But this inspires me to find my hidden nature lover!

Also, the Haunted blackboard and rubs look FAB!

Shelley Haganman said...

OMG!! Can't wait to get my hands on this stuff!

Q Tea Kits said...

Oooh I ADORE the Mr Campy papers and blackboard, and must have that Jack's World blackboard also, it is too cute!

ScrapAloha said...

gorgeous! Love the blurbs too!

Holly O. said...

Just one more person going crazy over these lines!

Diana D said...

super cute!! I love Jack's world & mr campy!! Adorable!

Crystal said...

OMG this is all to die for. I cant wait to get my hands on tha that Halloween line

Unknown said...

Dear Cosmo Cricket, I have been told that I should let you know that I always, always include the end strips in my paper crafting. I recently hosted a block party at www.creativebreahting.blogspot.com using all of your paper and CC identification marks. It's my "thing"! I won't use any other paper! Elizabeth Andrus