Maybe people mistake me for Lindsay's wife because we are like family. He teases me more than my older brother. Gives me almost as good of advice as my dad. Spoils my kids more than my mom. And, my sisters can rest assured that every outfit, hair style and make-up choice I make is thoroughly critiqued...... he even tells me if something makes me look fat!
So, without further ado, meet the man of the hour....... the center of attention....... the one and only...... Mr. Lindsay! Here's what he had to say in his own words:
Because of numerous requests and some brow beating, here are 25 random things about me:
1- In High School I went by my middle name which is Dean. Why did I go back to Lindsay. I moved my senior year and didn't want to go the trouble. I know......Lindsay's a girls name!
2- I once won a "Fonzie" Look-a-like Contest.

(I think he looks more like Mitt Romney than The Fonz!)
3- I like growing Garlic and Grapes. I think it has something to do with the letter "G".
4- I have actually met someone else with my same name. I didn't believe it until "SHE" showed me her Drivers License.
5- When staying at a hotel, I make the bed, empty the garbages, put everything in order. See OCD.
6-I am very easy going but.... I do not tolerate arrogance or disrespect. If someone is that way I have this habit of "mocking" them to their face. Were all just people folks!
7- I once hired a singing group to go to the bowling alley where my wife was on a league team bowling to deliver a dozen roses and have them sing to her. Needless to say, every other husband from the league couldn't top that.
8- I lived in Italy as a child.
9- My wife and I once had a Jam and Jelly Business where we made flavors like, Huckleberry Raspberry, Elderberry, ChokeCherry, Dandelion, Rose and many, many more.
10- I was named after one of Bing Crosby's sons. Now my age is telling.
11- I am ADD and OCD and would not have it any other way.
12- I love mowing my lawn and washing clothes. I like folding towels, but that's it. See the OCD above.
13- I'm good at predicting early on the winner of American Idol. I call it a "Super Power".
14- When my wife and I first got married we rented a home on a ranch and I raised two bum lambs in our unfinished basement. I would get up in the middle of the night and feed them two or three times. My wife kids me that I didn't even do that with any of our children. Needlless to say, after insuring that they would live, and raising them to be quite large animals. While out of town- my in-laws had them both slaughtered and ate them. Tina and Charlie......... boy do I miss them! I hear they were tasty though!
15- My bed has to be made before I will sleep in it. I can't sleep in an unmade bed.
16- I'm allergic to shellfish. It looks rather tasty, but have you seen "Hitch?"
17- I collect Baseball Cards and Memorabilla.
18- I was the shyest kid in High School. I don't know what happened. Now you can't shut me up.
19- I can sing all of the words to "Back in Black" by AC/DC. No - not the worlds next "American Idol."
20- The town i grew up in CA is the where they filmed the movie American Graffiti, Peggy Sue got married, and is where Mrs. Grossman's is located.

21- I like learning about people. The books I read, the shows I watch, or just talking to them.
22- I like simple things. Riding bikes, going for a hike, being around people.
23- I love Chocolate dipped Ice Cream cones. They are yummy and reminds me of when I was a kid. My mom used to buy them for us after a trip to the park. I also love the smell of Eucaliptus Tree's and the Golden Gate Bridge.
24- I do comedy and don't do drama
25- I went to 11 different schools growing up.
Congratulations Wendy @ 8:14. You are today's lucky winner. Send your address to kristen@cosmocricket.com and let her know what Paper Crafting Kit you would like.