Just before WCHA07 (our first winter show as a company) an editor from Creating Keepsakes called me and asked if I could do a project with our soon-to-be-released Buck Naked Lacing Cards. The deadline was tight, she had called at 4:00 in the afternoon and needed the project the next morning, so there wasn't time to get any product to a designer. I created the following project. Scanned it and emailed it to her the next morning. By afternoon I hadn't heard back. So, I called. She said to me that the project just "wasn't exactly what they had in mind." I asked, "What did you have in mind," thinking I had misunderstood the assignment. She said, "We just need something really hip and cool."

This is an amazing layout!!! I love this line...one of my favs!!
Thank you for taking the time, and looking at each one of our blogs. Thanks for the GC!! Cosmo rocks!!
This is not an attempt to brown nose, but I like the layout, it shows the diversity of the lacing card.
I am truly excited for the other girls and hope that CC finds just the right ones to add to the DT!
Thank you for the gift card, it's way better than the consolation prizes they used to give on The Price is Right, things such as a case of canned tuna!
Good luck to you all narrowing it down.
everyone's a critic. LOL. I think it is cute, but what do i know? haha.
I think it's cool!!
wow thats harsh...i love your layout. Eat your heart's out now CK, their loss and dont let them get to ya
I love your layout, don't let it get you down, just pick yourself up and keep on going.
Ohhh - I love those lacing cards - I have not seen them in the store. I think your LO shows a clever way of using them. You know, in hindsight...all you need to do is put a skull or a bird down in the lower right corner...BINGO! (ROFL)
But really, for midnight oil burning mojo I think it is a very hip and cool teenage-ry grunge LO!
Ouch! I know that hurt. It's a beautiful page, tho. Yeah - we've all be there at some point.
Guess that would be a variation of beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. (Actually I really think they were pretty stupid-that's a fantastic layout)
Well, I personally love that layout!
Thanks for taking the time to thank everyone that submitted and to share your story. It shows just what kind of company (and people) you guys are. Just to share...I recently submitted for a design team for another company. They didn't even make one comment about the people that submitted their work, no thanks, nothing. It's hard enough not to be picked but to not even acknowledge the "hopefuls" I thought was a bit tacky.
You guys are awesome!!!!
Michelle and everyone,
I know how you feel and I hate to sound like Paula from Idol, but don't ever give up.
My first quarter at Utah State I couldn't create anything worthwhile. In fact in one critique, the professor came to my assignment and said something like, "this is crap, whose is it?" I didn't reply, just hoping to hide myself in the crowd. He tore it off the wall and walked across it saying that it was so bad the owner wouldn't even admit it was theirs.
Before I graduated I was honored with many scholarships and awards and have been fairly successful since. Hang in there, laugh at yourself and use every negative experience to make you more determined.
OK, that's my pep talk for the day!
That looks "hip and cool" to me! If CK wants something "specific" then they should buy the products at the LSS and create it themselves. Were you supposed to read their minds?? Weird.
ooof! That's rough. It's one thing if you had been told that they found something else...ouch is right.
I'm happy for the 12. Sad for me, but it won't make me stop crafting or trying to get on a DT elsewhere. I shall continue to trudge along!
Julie, thank you...Thank you soo much for those encouraging words. I know they mean a lot to me and would take a guess that your words have touched so many others who follow this blog. I am sure I speak for a lot of the hopefuls when I say applying to Cosmo Crickets Design Team wasnt like applying for any other DT call. To me this is the TOP of my list company. And you all have gone above and beyond anything I would have expected. You spend countless hours going through 300+ blogs, emails, resumes...etc...To cut down to only 12....then you take the time to thank eveyone for entering....THEN you offer the GC...(Way to generous)...And to top it all off you come back with a special post just to encourage us. Cosmo Cricket is truely one of a kind..Thanks.
ouch is right! I think the layout IS cool!
thanks for taking the time to share these stories. it really shows you care and I truly admire that!
you guys are amazing :)
Thank you for the words of encouragment Julie - I saw your layout on the CC website, and I thought it was amazing!
sure looks hip and cool to me.
Ouch. That was harsh. I think it is a great LO especially knowing the time crunch you were under. I like how you used those cards in a completely different way. I wouldn't have thought of that! TFS!
youch is right! hmm. seems like the editor could've worded it a little more ... nicely.
I got my gift certificate!! Thanks again!!
well hon take it from a almost 54 yr old colorblind scrapper that submitted to CK for 3 years with not even a THANK YOU EMAIL, NEVER been accepted on a DT, and trust me went out for many many. You can't please everyone.
Ignore people that are negative and move on with your life. You are blessed to work for CC and have a great company and peope LOVE your products.
By the way, that layout ROCKS
Wow. That really blows. Perhaps she needs a lesson in Tact 101.
Thanks for posting that... it's a delightful and horrible story. FWIW, I think the layout is terrifically hip and cool! Mostly, thanks for the reminder that rejections come regardless of how awesome your art might be. :) I think we all deserve to hear that now and then, and as a book I read once said, "You don't have to make great art to make important art."
I'm still interested to know who the finalists were - those 32 you originally chose before narrowing it down? I think any of us would feel honored to be in the final 32 out of 300+!
Holy cow! I think the layout is great. And even if they didn't, i'm sure there was a better way to get that across.
Well I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say I'm so glad you didn't let that hold you back!!!
The layout is GREAT! And SO CREATIVE!
Keep on keepin' on!!!
holy cow. I just read this, and I have to say, that was cold!! Somebody needs to take a communications seminar.........
Your layout is fab by the way, can't wait to see what these new things are!
Ouch! I bet some editor regrets having said that. . . You're a true encourager, as well as an amazing designer!
Ouch is right! But, that's happened to me on more occasions than I care to remember... being a graphic designer... unfortunately, no matter how talented or creative you are, we aren't mind readers.
Ouch for sure... man.. that was a little too rude.. but honest... Congrats to the 12.. and its so nice to know that you know what its like to get a dream squashed!!
Well Julie.....Who's laughing now? Right!!!
You have such a classy company that everyone loves. You have a good spirit that shows in your designs and fresh ideas!!!
It IS hip and cool! Bah! What do they know? I love the layout!
I agree with the Congratulations to all! I think we all know how many talented scrapbookers there are out there! I visit so many blogs on a daily basis, and seriously, the creativity I see blows me away! To those that made the cut? Good for you!! Way to go!
Oh! BTW, thanks so much for the certificates! I spent mine RIGHT AWAY! It's already shipped, and I cannot wait to get my goodies!!
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