So, my friend Suezi from Me and My Big Ideas just emailed me about the lack of posting on the blog. She is not the first to have raised concern and so, I thought I would tell you what I've told her........... the non-official, completely true, top-secret story. Here goes:
I got really sick right after CHA. I was in bed for almost two weeks, which put me behind on my work..... as you can imagine. Then, when I got better, I only had a few weeks to get all my design work done for our next release (a May release, this is the top secret part).
I had just created Cogsmo, our fastest selling line ever. And, I have created all the number one selling lines to date (don't tell Eric that I told). But, for some reason I couldn't come up with anything worthwhile this time around. The pressure to have theeeeee great line for Cosmo Cricket was intense. Lindsay was calling me everyday saying, I can't wait to see your line. Eric was saying things like, you'll do it, you always do. But, I just couldn't come up with anything. It was a complete block.
After about two weeks of trying, I had this little emotional breakdown and told everyone to back off and not very politely. Seriously, they were afraid of me for quite a while. I think they are barely recovering now.
Then, two days before the work deadline, I had this major breakthrough and designed the entire line in one day. After that, I was in Canada for Open Page's event and then I just got back from Spring Break in southern Utah with my family.
Anyway, now I will be getting back to the blog.