Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Holding Down the Homefront

When Eric and I have to leave for trade shows, it is my sister, Becky, that usually watches our kids. Becky is Jon the Warehouse Guy's wife, professional photographer and a super baby sitter. My kids love it when she comes..... especially if she brings Jon who always takes them fishing. Unfortunately, this last trip was a bit rough since her little baby was sick. I checked her blog yesterday (she takes beautiful photographs!) and found the following entry, titled "Mary's So Sad."

I've been helping out my sister by babysitting her four kids. And with Mary that makes five total kids! I'm not so sure I'm cut out to be a mother anymore. Jon couldn't miss law school so I've been here since Friday by myself. Last night went something like this.

10:00-11:30pm Mary laughed and giggled (I have no clue what was so funny in the dark)
1:00-2:00 am Jack woke up and cried for his parents (I layed on his flour until he feel asleep)
2:00am Mary woke up
3:30 Abby woke up sick and then woke the whole house up (gave her some children's Tylenol mostly to drug her back to sleep)
4:00 Mary woke up
6:00 Ethan woke up to go to school
7:00 helped the girls off to school

And if you think Mary looked sad you should see me!

Becky has fully recovered and so has Mary. However, my kids are now sick and so Becky has her revenge!


  1. That's a very nice sister! Glad Mary feels better:)

  2. Glad they feel better, hope your kids feel better soon and your sister....wow great photographs!!!

  3. Poor kiddos and sister :(

  4. you just can't help but say awwwwwwwwwwwww at that photo, hope the kids are feeling better soon

  5. Such a sweet photo! Hope the kids feel better!

  6. What a great sister you have! Hope everyone is better now.

  7. Glad everyone is feeling better - lovely picture!!!!

  8. awwwwwwwwww those tears make me sad too. Hope everyone is well now.

  9. Oh my goodness, look at that poor girl . . . very sad I would say! I hope everyone gets better very soon!!

  10. Awe - poor girl! Sorry the kids seemed to catch Abby's bug - hope they are better soon. What a blessing to have a sis who takes the kids for you while on trips - makes going easier when you trust who they are with.

  11. Sorry your kids got sick! I hope they feel better soon!

  12. Poor Mary! love the pic!
