Thursday, January 22, 2009

Booth 1345 and Dinner Winners

You may have noticed that we don't take ourselves too seriously at Cosmo Cricket. So, if you want to find the most fun booth at the CHA, be sure to stop by. This year, our back wall will be a gallery of paper patterns, hilarious old family photos (these are legit..... well, except for the captions, the one above is Eric's grandpa and friends) and some irreverent treatments of classical art. When we made the gallery for the back wall, we printed a few extra pieces, and you could possibly win one!

Now, onto the dinner winners. We decided to have three random winners instead of just one. Here they are:
Mary T...... it looks like your husband will have a chance to wear his Buffalo Bill tie.
Memories Galore..... I'll tell Lindsay to try and remember his manners.
LaCoe...... Don't trip and fall as you're running to our booth!

For everyone else, we are so glad you like us enough to want to join us for dinner. We hate that everyone couldn't win!


  1. Ha! (I just wish I had a DRESS!)~You guys are so silly & I love it. Enjoy CHA and your success!

  2. Hope ya'll have a fabulous time at CHA! Congrats to the dinner winners!!!

  3. Have a great time at CHA - The gallery will be wonderful, I'm sure.

  4. Y'all are a RIOT! Stop it! I mean it now!

  5. Love the dress! Congratulations to the winners! I'm sure they're going to have a lot of fun and laugh a lot! Good luck at CHA! Have fun!

  6. Love the art, and congrats the the DINNER WINNERS!
    (dinner winners, love the sound of that)

  7. Love the pictures. Your booth is going to rock with those as background. Have an awesome time at CHA and remember me freezing on the WI frozen tundra.

    Congrats to the winners. We want a full report of the going on.

  8. You know I want them-absolutely hilarious! Have a great time, we know you'll liven up the joint.

  9. Congrats to the winners! At the poker table we alway say WINNER WINNER Chicken Dinner! Enjoy! I missed this Gallery when I went to Italy Love seeing your take of the art.

  10. Yay winners! Have fun ya'll. Can't wait to hear about it!

  11. These just cracked me up. And what a great idea to do pre done layouts. This will give attendees more time to browse. Love the new girl friday line.

  12. You guys are so clever! Everyone is going to remember what you did to your booth this year!
