Monday, December 15, 2008

You really shouldn't have............Anyone taking credit?

I hope each of you are having fun with our "Thrifty Gifty" approach to the holidays. Some are having maybe a little too much fun!
Last week, I was out of the office on business. I stopped in on Friday, and there was a small shipping box, with no return address on the outside label.

I thought to myself, someone sent me a gift. I very seldom receive gifts, so this was a treat. My mind had several ideas of what it could be.

Maybe a new tie, a nice new shirt from Banana Republic, or maybe some DVDs. Not knowing where or wince it came, only peeked my curiosity more.

I know that the girls in the office were probably jealous, because I received something and they didn't.

Someone had went to a lot of trouble to make sure that there present to me, wouldn't get damaged.

They took great care in taping the outside of the box, and packed the gift like it was porcelain China or something.

I hurried, ripped open the box, to find a cute little wooden box altered with our Wonderland Christmas paper.

It was a cute little box. Very cute. I think I even caught myself cooing the words "ahhhhhh. There are just so many wonderful people in the world. I think I shed a tear.

This beautiful, cute, fun, little box had a homemade very thoughtful tag attached ( with string and buttons) that said "slide open" here. Once again, no name attached.

In all of my excitement, I did as I was instructed~

No!- You really shouldn't have............... Anyone taking credit?

P.S. I think this is one present that I will be re-gifting


  1. It wasn't me! LOL

  2. OMG! I BURST out laughing! Seriously! I'm so glad I wasn't drinking anything!! LOVE IT!!

  3. Twas 10 days before Christmas
    And all through the house
    Lindsay was nervous
    Fearing a mouse

    Under the covers he shook in his bed
    While visions of twitching whiskers danced in his head.

    When what to his wondering ears he should hear
    But his furry friend, and it was getting near.

    Through the corner of his eye, he saw it's furry white belly
    Then from fear, Lindsay shook like a bowl full of jelly.

  4. Oh, Lindsay!
    I honestly thought it was real and about made a mess! That totally freaked me out so I can only imagine what happened to you. That was a mean and evil thing to do...I ownder if it was my sister, she would totally do this to me.

  5. BWAHAHAHAHAAHAH!! Ok, that was a good one. I can't say I came up with that, but I'm gonna remember it...I can probably do a SPIDER theme for DH one day, he hates them LOL....

    I love the poem as well!

  6. Hee heee heee...I can't even type it's so funny!!

  7. eeee hheee heee heee!!!!

  8. Did you scream? Jump on a table, drop the box? Well it wasn't me either.

  9. Oh my gosh! IS that REAL!?!

  10. Good Grief...I thought it was real until I clicked on the photo...sheesh, that's funny in an unsettling way..I don't dig rodentia :)

  11. hehe too funny, sorry Lindsay.

    but I must say, that the USPS won't let you ship an item with no return address, so it sounds like an inside job to me!

  12. Too funny!!! I haven't seen one of those since I lived up in Yooper land ( the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.) It wasn't me... but I'd love to find one of those for my husband!!! That's SO great!!!! ROFL!!

  13. Okay- I just checked the box again and It was sent USPS from Plover, WI thats all the info that I have. Does anyone know where Lisa F. or Janie T. is from?

  14. Julie that poem was awesome. Perfect.

    And it wasn't me. I live in MN, close to WI but not. Anyway, I'm not hat creative. It was a pretty funny gift you have to admit.

  15. I'm in WI but nowhere near Plover...wish I could take credit though, HILARIOUS! Gorgeous box too!

  16. Okay I thought he was real and was willing to suck it up and offer to take it off Lindsay's hands before he had a heart attack. You got me!

  17. OMGoodness! Too funny! I thought it was real until I someone said that it wasn't so I clicked and then could see it wasn't. Sorry, it wasn't me; I'm in IL not even remotely close to WI.

  18. That would be a great white elephant gift. That is so funny!

  19. Oh my goodness that is too funny! It wasn't me though!

  20. Oh my GOODNESS. A Christmas Mouse. Just what everyone


  21. hahahahaha! The person who sent it is a genius!
    ahem, sorry, but you have to admit, it's a beautiful box ;)

  22. I'm not sure that i have mentioned this before but " I HATE MICE" and yes,the fake mouse looked real!!!

  23. That is TOO FUNNY!! It wasn't me, but whoever is to blame is GENIOUS! Too bad the cameras weren't rolling, huh? *snickers*

  24. That is hillarious!!!!! ROTFL!!!!!!!

  25. LOL... that's hilarious!! Not me though..... Wonder where I could buy one though.. hehe

  26. a cute lil mouse in da house! i must say it'sa gift to remember! i live in cananda si it weren't me!

  27. That is too naughty! No scrapbook goodies for the Wicked Elf that would do such (a funny) thing to our Lindsay!

    Is there "Poet Water" flowing at your watering hole? Is it a requirement for working at Cosmo Cricket that you be able to rhyme at the drop of a dime? You guys are GOOD!

  28. Ok, first I have to admit that I had to click on the photo and enlarge it to be sure that mouse wasn't real. Of course had it been, you would be blogging from a hospital recovering from a heart attack, right? (LOL)

    Sounds like a very clever presentation of a special gift...and I might add, possible inspiration for Cosmo's 2009 Christmas line - because what is Christmas without a Christmas mouse? I can see it now... santa hat and all... (LOL)

    I must add that I may have to totally scraplift this for our white elephant exchange - brilliant!!

    One more note - from WI but totally INNOCENT!! Now who would do a thing like that...hmmmmmm....
    hmmmmm (I know but I am not telling - I have the sweetest of friends in Plover!)

  29. i had to click the photo to really see if it was real or not. I love it its very clever idea of course this is from a mouses point of view

  30. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Heheh, that is too funny! I love the box, and what a cute idea. :) I wonder who it could be. ;)

  31. I hadn't even read the post yet and was already starting to giggle at the picture. How funny!! Someone is really getting some great laughs from this.

  32. Hilarious !!

    ROFL.. um...did your pants stay dry ;) LOL

  33. I can't believe there isn't anyone claiming this! I mean, it is a beautiful box and all.

    But that mouse is too real for this girl....and apparently certain men too;)

  34. ROFPMSL.... LOL.


    It reminded me of the time my DD had to buy the christmas presents from the table...we would eat and at the end of the meal get a table pressie...well daughter decided it would be a good idea to buy the pressies from a charity 14 gifts were bought and wrapped...the biggest belonged to my oldest son forever the joker... and all through the meal he kept saying I bet that big one is mine... only DD knew what was inside the wrappings... dinner over pressie time.... we all got ours battery operated nail buffers you know the thing.... so at last DS was given his pressie all eyes were on him....
    he unwrapped to find a hampster cage with food etc and a stuffed toy mouse the type the cat gets for Christmas...
    How we laughed... DS did not find it he was 30yrs old and had always and still is forever the joker but didnt see the funny side of was given to the local cancer research ungrateful is he...hahaha. He still hasnt forgiven his sister.

    So Lindsay someone knew you didnt like mice, that could narrow it down a bit..haha.
    I think it should take pride and place on your desk.

    chriss x UK

  35. Mr. Lindsey & Co.
    The first thing I thought when I saw this incredible work of Altered Art was... Lisa's been at work here, and the address only confrims it. Also, you may have noticed she has failed to comment on this very funny turn of events! I would have her at the top of your suspect list! (sorry to RAT, or should I say MOUSE, you out, Lisa ;)

  36. How funny and MEAN at the same time -- sorry, Nebraska isn't close to Wisconsin at all!! :-) I bet you about had a heart attack...I think I see coal in someone's stocking...

  37. Unbelieveable! I, too, thought it was real until I got the close-up! I can think of several people I could use this for. Although I live in WI, I didn't know you did! Hope you got your shorts cleaned!! Someone really should take credit for this masterpiece! LOFL

  38. Unbelieveable! I, too, thought it was real until I got the close-up! I can think of several people I could use this for. Although I live in WI, I didn't know you did! Hope you got your shorts cleaned!! Someone really should take credit for this masterpiece! ROFL

  39. this is actually really funny...sorry to laugh at your expense.
    Did you let out a little girly scream? lol

  40. That was so funny!!! I didn't do it!!!! I really didn't!

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