Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Julie, Say Cheese!

The Thrifty Gifty will be delayed today. I have an appointment. Not just any appointment, but one at the orthodontist. Yes, ladies..... and any gentlemen out there........ I am getting braces!

Now, I have had braces before. My parents paid lots of good money to straighten out my teeth when I was young. I have already gone through the humiliation of braces, elastics, a variety of retainers..... although I never had to wear a headgear. But, it was in the day, when they thought a few years with a retainer would keep everything straight. Unfortunately for me, everything is crooked again and getting worse each year.

So, just in time for my family Christmas party this weekend, I get to re-live my childhood and show up with a smile that truly sparkles...... like tinsel! I'll post photos along with the Thrifty Gifty later today.

HMmmmm, I wonder if Eric has ever kissed a girl with braces? I'll have to ask!


  1. No fun, but it will be worth it. I too had braces and my teeth are no longer straight! I don't know if I'm willing enough to get them again.

  2. I did the braces thing too...and now have crooked teeth again thanks to wisdom teeth. (what's with that?!?)
    I'd say that you can have the nickname "tinsel-teeth" only until Jan.1.
    But then I've heard that there are all sorts of new braces too...maybe it will be impossible to even see them?! There is always photoshop....lol!

  3. I had to have those as an adult too. Not so bad - you can either go with ones barely visible or have fun with it and have them use the bright rubber bands. (LOL)
    give a BIG smile for the camera and scrap about it!

  4. Yep, braces here too, and my bottom teeth are crooked again. Thank goodness my top teeth aren't too bad. I have all of my teeth too, wisdom teeth included, so it could be worse!

    Good for you on getting them again! You're a brave woman!!

  5. Well you'll be all "glitzy" for the holidays! My youngest is going to have his redone again for the same reason. But since he is now an employed, certified teacher-his pennies this time. Hang in there.

  6. I just noticed the other day that mine are all crooked-ey again too! I kinda wish I hadn't lost my retainer in college. Would have maybe given me a few more years before I had to go get 'em again. I'm still gonna wait though...I remember it being QUITE painful...thought it may be nice for weight loss. LOL!

  7. One of my boys gets his off Thursday...I figure all four of them will probably get them, one of them twice (he got them while he was 8...that's how messed up the poor boys mouth was) so I should be up for a free pair by then, don't you think?

  8. Another one who had braces and now have crooked teeth. Ah well. No need to straighten mine except for cosmetic reasons, so I'll skip the trauma, though I bet things are much different now! Good luck with yours!

  9. DD needs braces but we have to wait until tax time comes.

  10. I have two in braces at the moment. (And two more to go) My sister decided to do the whole invisiline thing as an adult...oh my!

    I think it's just a crazy scrapper thing...ya know how we buy clothes for our kids to match the cute paper we just purchased. Well these days you can get the bands any color you want. YOU just wanted to coordinate your smile with your paper!...found you out! ;) (My kids use ortho day as an excuse for milkshakes the cold really helps as does Motrin (tylenol doesn't work says the orthodontist)
