Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving and Tom Hanks..............

Well I had no idea what to blog today, and Julie recommended that I say the things I'm thankful for. Instead of doing a list, I decided to write it in poem form.

Here's your Thanksgiving Eve Poem:
Thanksgiving is coming
is the shopping all done?
Or in the morning,
Will you be making.........
another store run?

And did you remember to invite
your priest and your nun

Scratch that last line,
It might not make it much fun

I love Thanksgiving, it's a time to
give thanks
I'm thankful for Family, Friends,
and also Tom Hanks!

Tom Hanks you might ask?
What's does that mean?
You remember "Castaway"
He had nothing to live off
You may recall that movie, that scene?

He was alone and a mess,
really, not very clean

We have hot water and food,
people who care about us
We have planes, trains, and automobiles,
not to mention the bus.

We should remember these things,
When we put up a fuss.

We have Hi-Def TV
With 300 channels or more
Instead of sand on an island
We have hard-wooden floors

Do I need to go on?,
Do I need to say more?

Our Cell phones, our Wii's
our Computers with Ram
Our IPODS, Our Blackberries,
Our Digital Cams

Our Potatoes with gravy
not to mention our...........
Thanksgiving Day Yams

We are blessed in our lives,
by everyday things
The flowers that grow,
that sing,

People that smile,
Even bee's that may sting

For pictures and memories
of times that have past
The days that we have
and the years that go fast

And those pains we experience
are temporary, they will fade
and not last

Tom Hanks, well he had
that the waters did send
A beat up old Volleyball,
His only true friend

Do you see what I'm saying,
Are you seeing a trend?

We have so much to appreciate
We are blessed everyday
I know we have trials,
They surely won't stay,

Let us all be thankful
On Thanksgiving day!

All of us at Cosmo Cricket sincerely wish each of you the great things in life and a very happy Thanksgiving! You are our friends and mean so much to us. We love reading the funny things you say, the experiences you have, even learning about your crazy relatives.

God Bless!!!!


  1. That really is a good poem! Long but good... Love it!

  2. Love the poem.
    I am grateful God has blessed me with such a wonderful family and friends.

  3. Oh my.

    How you wrapped up the reason for Thanksgiving in a poem including Tom Hanks is really quite remarkable.

    Your family should be proud:)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Ha! Love the poem. I never would have guessed you could create a poem about Thanksgiving with a Castaway theme, but it is remarkable! Going to share this with my rugrats...thanks Mr.Lindsay!

  5. I love the poem! We all have many things to be thankful for.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well!

  7. Awesome poem!
    Happy Thanxgiving :)

  8. This is just absolutely awesome how you wrote a Thanksgiving poem with Tom Hanks included. But it really is a good comparison of the have and have nots. Thank you for writing and sharing.

  9. What a poet, Lindsay! And did you re-create Wilson? Too cute. I really need to win you, now. I could use a Muse~ : )~ (See, I can rhyme this time).

  10. Oh, I love the Cosmo blog,
    especially when Mr. Lindsay is in the house,
    He's really oh so funny,
    but don't you dare mention a mouse!

    He's talks about being fortunate,
    and compares it to Tom Hanks,
    Mr. Linday, you are interesting and clever,
    and for that reason I give thanks!

    To all of those at Cosmo Cricket,
    have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day,
    and remember that next week,
    on Wednesday we should NOT weigh!

  11. Happy Thanksgiving! LOL

  12. And I believe we are all thankful for the smiles you bring to us all. Hope you and yours have a wonderful Turkey Day!

  13. That is SO funny! Castaway is one of my all time fave movies too...

  14. That's one poem Mr. Lindsay!

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you over at Cosmo Cricket!!

  15. Nicely done! I wish I could do those...but have never had the knack.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  16. Happy Thanksgiving!
    Wonderful poem!!

  17. Happy Thanksgiving Julie. Thanks for being a wonderful sister.

  18. Happy Thanksgiving, love the poem!

  19. LOL your poem rocks. Happy Thanksgiving!! :)

  20. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Well said. Love the poem- it was perfect.

    Thank you and I hope you and your families had a great one!


  21. cute poem! hope u all had a wonderful weekend!

  22. Love the poem. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  23. Great poem. I loved that movie and it convinced me how thankful I am to live where and when I do.

  24. What a great poem! I love it! And I'm lovin your blog! first timer here...but I'll be checking back in OFTEN!
