Monday, November 03, 2008

A Mouse in the House

Since Eric and I work from home...... on Macs........ we sometimes video conference in on the Monday morning meetings. Have you ever wondered what goes on in a Cosmo Cricket meeting? Well, this morning we just had to tape part. Unfortunately, we missed most of the good stuff. But, it's still pretty fun!


  1. This is freakin HILARIOUS!!!!!!


    Don't you just LOVE Macs!

  3. I have tears from laughing so hard. And yes, I too would need help killing it or getting rid of it.

    Oh gosh, I have to watch it again!!!

  4. I don't think you're a wimp at all . . . mice freak me out too! I would have jumped out of my skin! Too funny! Did it really jump on someone's pant leg? Ewwww, gross!

  5. It jumped 5 feet on to Devins leg!!! 5 feet!!! Devin is this twenty something stud, and he was freaked by it.
    I really think it was possessed! Very little scares me, but I hate mice. We have the pest control people coming this afternoon, to prevent further incidents from occuring!

  6. That cute little innocent mouse jumped 5 feet....really...5 feet...that sounds like a fish story to me. You know the one that got away was soooo big.

  7. 5 feet? ROFL sooo very hard!!!
    TFS!!! really made my day ;)

  8. Well this made me snort a little bit.

  9. LOL! TOO funny! Thanks for sharing! :)

  10. Anonymous5:22 PM

    That was hysterical. It is so good to see people having fun while working at a job they love.


  11. Rambo from Crypton....lmao

    remind me to send him a rubber mouse

  12. This is hilarious. And I doubly love that it's a grown man rendered helpless by a mouse. Too funny! I don't think it was the mouse that jumped 5'

  13. SO funny! I had to watch it twice to laugh again!

  14. Bwahahaha! I love it--TFS!

  15. Oh my -what a hilarious video!! I can SO relate. We just had our roof fixed and had to have some reconstruction - as a result we have gotten mice in the house. We've had them before too, and after seeing how the house was put together - no wonder!
    2 dead so far and I hope that is IT! I am impressed Devin got the mouse without using a trap or bait - I've never seen one still long enough to swat! (LOL) 5 ft. ain't nothing folks - mice can jump and do amazing things. I took up digital scrapping because of a mouse - one was climbing around above my scrap area one night (I create in the basement) and it was too much for me so I shut myself in the office! Because of that yucky creature I scrap 3 ways. :-)

  16. Laughing to hard to type anymore!

  17. Freakin love it! ROFLMBO :)

  18. ugh! hate mice...I would have been freaking out too if it had been me, but instead I just had a good laugh at the video ;)

  19. hmmm...someone should give him a nice pet mouse for the holidays!
