Monday, October 27, 2008

A Winner, a Traveler & a Blog Run a Muck

Hi everyone,

It's me, Julie, back in the saddle again. I see that Lindsay and Eric got "creative" in my absence. I hope you all had fun and aren't too disappointed by my return (the men can post at any time, they just don't for some reason).

I have to say, that if I were a participant in Lindsay's contest, I would have failed miserably. In fact, the whole idea of needing to be popular reminds me of horrible junior high school memories (did you see Chuck last week). You might never guess it, but I was terribly shy and socially awkward (well, maybe you could still guess that part!).

Anyway, when I travel alone, this shy tendency re-emerges. I just don't know what to do with myself..... how to break into a crowd of people I don't know...... etc. So, what did I do with all my free time in Texas? I used Photobooth to take silly pictures in my hotel room. (Just a note, I was there before the show opened, so it's not like I could walk the floor or anything.) I wanted to post them here, but I'm having technical difficulties with the laptop. If I get it to work, I'll update you.

Ok, so, the winner of the "How Many People Can You Fit Into Cosmo Cricket's Blog" contest is..... Pinky with 84 friends commenting on her behalf! She is one popular girl..... maybe she can give me some tips!

Pinky, send us your address and we'll send you your prize.


  1. When are you leaving again? Eric and I had fun!

  2. WWWOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!! It was my birthday too! I cannot believe I won I won I won!!!!!!!!!

    YEA!!!!!!!!!! Thank YOU!!!!!!!!! Thank You friends!

  3. OK where do I send my address ??

  4. Pinky, you can send it to

  5. I could tell Pinky was running away with that contest! Wow, Pinky, you really have a lot of blogging friends! CONGRATULATIONS to you, and Happy Birthday! That was very fun!!

  6. Congrats Cristal!! I'm so glad you won!!! Now, to get into your scrappy room while you sleep and sneak away with that Christmas paper!!! ROFL!!!

  7. Congrats Pinky!
    Julie, this is why I liked my version of the game better, lol. Go back to junior high and do the popular girl thing again? um, no.

  8. Yay Pinky!!!!!!!!! Congrats girl...ya did it!

  9. congrats pinky!!!!!!!

  10. I'm here on behalf of Genevieve Rodriguez.....good luck girl!!!

  11. Wooot PINKY Congrats and Happy Birthday again :D

  12. That's awesome Pinky! You deserve it :)

  13. You are so FUNNY, Julie! I'm sure you have way more than 84 Blogland friends.... and after you show the Photobooth pictures from the Texas Hotel room, I'm sure you'll have even MORE!

  14. congratulations to the winner
    I would have loved to play along, but I didn't want to ask people
