Monday, September 29, 2008

Sew Cute!

Since the dawn of Cosmo Cricket time, we have been making altered cigar boxes. This one here is a variation of one we displayed at our very first show, CHAS 06. I changed it a little so that the emphasis is more on storing scrapbooking embellishments rather than on sewing. I filled it with buttons, ribbons, thread and fabric because that's what I have on hand. Any embellishments would be cute. Think flowers, decorative brads, matching glitters, a cute block stampe, etc. I plan to go get some of the pretty, decorative pins that Leah Killian used on her card in a previous post. I think this box paired with some Jitterbug paper will be a fabulous gift, especially for a friend that has tons of paper, but never gets anything to go with it!

I have a second sewing box that is made with a Blackboard cigar box and our Honey Pie line, but I left it at the office. Eric will bring it home and then I'll photograph it so you can see it too.


  1. What a cute idea! Definitely a great gift.

  2. Wow this is an adorable idea. What girl wouldn't love one of those :) drool!!

  3. You post title is perfect, because this is absolutely, positively SEW CUTE! Love it!

  4. I just LOVE that idea!! Sooo cute! :) I bought one of the boxes just for that last weekend after seeing it in your video...

  5. A super thank you for my wonderful prize. I was blown away-I do not of volunteer work with local nursing homes doing arts and crafts, so know your generosity will reach a lot of people. Thank you again.

  6. This is so CUTE! What a great MIL will love something like this...great ideas for Christmas!

  7. That is cute!! Great idea :)

  8. Where did you get these cigar boxes? Or did you just make them up. These boxes are a really cute idea.

  9. Great idea and superb way to store scrapbooking embellishments!

    Thanks for sharing,
