Monday, June 09, 2008

The Scoop

I know that many of you have been waiting to see what I could dig up in Julie's office. Let me tell you it's not easy finding things in there. She's not the most organized person you ever met, if you know what I mean. Then to make things worse, the whole Sneak Peek explosion last week caught me off guard.......... CHA told me they wouldn't send out that pub until two weeks before the show! Anyway, back to the point at hand. According to Julie's scribbles, this is what I think she is looking for in DT members:

1. People who design really well. One or two members for layouts, cards and projects.
2. People who love posting (this one was starred), maintain blogs (this one was underlined) and are connected with the online scrapping community.
3. People who love submitting.
4. People who are easy to work with, low maintenance and happy.
5. People who love Cosmo Cricket and know how to show it.
6. People who are available to focus on Cosmo Cricket (I don't think she expects exclusivity, but just so you're not spread too thin).

If it were me, I would be posting all my Cosmo work to my blog and sending the link to along with a resume. I would do this before June 21.


  1. WOW Jon, Great detective work there. Thanks for the info. Cosmo Cricket is BY FAR my fave line. I belive I am going to give this a try. LOL and I am as low maintenance as they get. You should see my collection of sweat pants and hair scrunchies..heehee.

  2. Um...holy cow! Thanks for update, Jon! I will be working on submissions!

  3. No blog here so maybe I will need to figure out a different way to share my love of Cosmo Cricket stuff!

  4. Anonymous12:50 PM


    a dream or what!!! can you imagine playing all the time with cosmo!!!!!!

  5. MELT... I think I just passed out. Talk about dreams coming true.
    Any specifics on what to submit? number or layouts? or projects?

  6. Thanks Jon!! I just love Cosmo !! Thanks for the update and the great detective work!

  7. Yay!! Thanks Jon for doing all the hard work! Now I'm off to get things ready!!


  8. Haha...totally love this update!

    I think it's time to make a Cosmo Cricket designated posting to my blog. :)

  9. thanks for the update!

  10. Woo hoo, it's nice having an "inside man!" :D

  11. so Jon, I believe the word BRIBE was mentioned in a previous post...

    so how do like lasagna?
    my patented so tart it'll take the roof off your mouth and leave you in a permanent kissing position for days lemon meringue pie?

    Do you think it would matter if I didn't have a TON of Cosmo Cricket but a load of awesome lo's?

  12. Wow what a great opportunity to be able to get a chance to work with a creative company Cosmo. I just love your products and I will be submitting items shortly. You may also view my info on //

  13. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Oh how fabulous! I just completed 2 projects with Cosmo in the last 2 weeks, I would love to submit them!! Thank you for the 'inside scoop' :)

  14. LOL! Jon you ROCK STAR detective you!!


    Cosmo Cricket LOVER...*MWAH*!

  15. So glad to see Jon can't be stopped!! You are awful sneaky! Thanks for the info! I need to get my hands on some Sunshiney goodness!!

  16. Well Jon you sly guy you!
    I think you are my favorite person today!

  17. WTG Jon!! I am soooo there! You guys crack me up - Gotta love a team that can do that!

  18. oowwwww!!!! Great detective work! So excited about this :D

  19. Does it say anything about those that are geographically displaced from the USA? No stars or underlines around the word international?


  20. I love it when you risk your neck to spill these secrets. I'm going to give it a shot!!

  21. wahooooo!! I'm so excited! Time to bust out my HUGE Cosmo stash! :)

  22. Thanks for the scoop, Jon! ;-D

  23. Thanks for the info...this is beyond cool!!!

  24. This is great! Something I've been waiting for. =)

    Good luck to all!

  25. This is so exciting! I have posted to my blog my creations and sent my resume. I love Cosmo Cricket for all my boy layouts especially! Good luck everyone!!!

  26. Wow thanks for the info!!

  27. wish i had cosmo in my hands to do local store in my area...unfortunately!!

    good luck to all the applicants!
