Thursday, April 17, 2008

Where Oh Where Has My Blog Posting Gone?

So, my friend Suezi from Me and My Big Ideas just emailed me about the lack of posting on the blog. She is not the first to have raised concern and so, I thought I would tell you what I've told her........... the non-official, completely true, top-secret story. Here goes:

I got really sick right after CHA. I was in bed for almost two weeks, which put me behind on my work..... as you can imagine. Then, when I got better, I only had a few weeks to get all my design work done for our next release (a May release, this is the top secret part).

I had just created Cogsmo, our fastest selling line ever. And, I have created all the number one selling lines to date (don't tell Eric that I told). But, for some reason I couldn't come up with anything worthwhile this time around. The pressure to have theeeeee great line for Cosmo Cricket was intense. Lindsay was calling me everyday saying, I can't wait to see your line. Eric was saying things like, you'll do it, you always do. But, I just couldn't come up with anything. It was a complete block.

After about two weeks of trying, I had this little emotional breakdown and told everyone to back off and not very politely. Seriously, they were afraid of me for quite a while. I think they are barely recovering now.

Then, two days before the work deadline, I had this major breakthrough and designed the entire line in one day. After that, I was in Canada for Open Page's event and then I just got back from Spring Break in southern Utah with my family.

Anyway, now I will be getting back to the blog.


  1. Oh my Julie, what a story! I have missed the blog and also know how busy you guys are. How could you not be busy and still put out fantastic lines like you continue to do? LOL

    Glad to hear you are doing better and back in the game! I cannot wait to see the May release!

  2. That kind of stress really sucks. I'm glad the inspiration hit! I know I'm going to love the May release, because I love everything Cosmo.

  3. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Just so's you're all better now. Knew there had to be a good reason or three for no posts in more than a month!

  4. This is not a sympathy post. This is a yeah-I-lost-it-a-little-but-I-can-laugh-about-it post.

    PS: You can tease me about this, but only if you can be teased back. No seriousness here! It's not allowed.

  5. Hi:
    I'm sorry to hear that sometimes mojo is gone at the wrong time...
    So glad it came back at the nic of time..
    I'm trying to contact you guy's and the contact link is not working.
    Can you please tell me what Email to use please?

  6. Maggie,

    I'm sorry about the link not working. I'll bring it up with Eric. You can send an email to

    He'll take care of anything you need, or forward your email onto the person that can.

  7. Glady your back Julie :)...Missed the postings. I can't wait to see the May release..I know it will be always :)

  8. The pressure cooker exploded and it resulted in art-how cool is that!

  9. Hey, I lose it on a weekly basis. My boys can testify to that. Glad you're back. I've missed the blog. And OOOOH, now I'm excited to see the new cool line you've come up with.

  10. bless.glad to see & hear that ur doing well again. i missed reading about all the cricket happenings.
    take care.
