This is Jack. It's true he is completely irresistible with those little buck teeth and mischievous eyes. And, it's a good thing too, because this young man refuses to be potty trained.
I have trained three children already and so I have the general idea down. But, this child wakes up dry. He gets me a diaper before he's gone in the one he's wearing. If he's in the tub and he gets the urge, he tells me that he needs a diaper. Everything seems ready to go for potty training right? OHHHHH noooo!!! Because this sweet, adorable child will have nothing to do with the potty. He cannot be bribed. He cannot be enticed. He cannot be tricked.
And, speaking of potties. I had to go shopping for a new one because our previous one got thrown out when we moved. I now own three different potties. The problem with the first one was the little boy's guard. It is way too small to guard anything. If he were to actually pee while sitting on it we would have a mess all over!
So, I was on to potty purchase number 2. This time, I made sure that the guard was big enough. What I didn't consider was that it might fall off at the slightest touch, landing on the floor where it can't guard anything....... or worse yet, landing IN the potty.
Needless to say, I was back at the store for my current potty purchase. The fancy potty. This potty makes lots of noises. It has a pretend flusher and toilet paper roll that play songs when they're used. It congratulates your child for opening it, sitting on it and peeing in it........ if only my child would do these things!
I'm with you, my son who will be three in May refuses to go on the potty as well. I think that he'll be going off to college in a diaper - imagine the surprise his room-mate will have! :)
ReplyDeleteI feel your pain my son was almost in school (5) before he was potty trained, good luck!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure where you live, but my son was the same way until we took him to Walt Disney World. He saw other kids going to the bathroom and not having to wear a pull-up. WDW really is a magical place because my son refused to be potty trained, until we vacationed there. I think he was embarressed on not being a big boy, and having everyone see {in the bathroom} that he needed his diaper changed. I feel your pain & good luck!
ReplyDeleteI am still working on one who is 9. OK, he has autism but is very high functioning. #2 is our problem. UGH.
ReplyDeletehave you tried letting him straddle the toilet backwards? It might be the novelty he needs to get the job done. My pediatrician had a good idea too. If he wants a diaper --okay but he has to be int he diaper in the bathroom. Do that for a while then he can have a diaper but he has to be on the toilet with the diaper on. The next step would be cut a hole in the diaper but we never had to take it that far.
ReplyDeleteI hope this helps.
Mom to 3 -- boys 13 and 9 and girl 4. (she's my problem potty girl)
Those are some great suggestions - SO.... does anyone have a miracle for night issues. Our 7 year old was fairly easy to train (once he got in the mood-not too easy with only 3 girls in the house). But we still have the "accidents" and nothing we've tried (potty before bed, nothing to drink after dinner - even getting up in middle of night) seems to help.
ReplyDeleteI have not encountered this problem yet! I hope that I don't. Jack is my last child to train, so I'm going to keep my fingers crossed! Good luck!
I saw an episode of Dr Phil once about potty training. You buy you rchild a doll that wets (like a Baby Born or similar) and play with it with your child. You make it go to the toilet in it's own potty (or the child's one) and make a really big deal about how fantastic it is by throwing teh doll a party with party hats, party food, party tableware etc. The idea is that the child will see this fabulous event, and want a party for himself, thus encouraging him to go on the potty. Everyone on the show was raving about how sucessful it was for them. Worth giving it a try!
ReplyDeleteI used a wall chart with my daughter, It's amazing what a smiley stamp and some cool stickers will do for their self confidence!
Good luck cosmo girl - and keep us updated of his progress!
I'm going though the same thing with my 3 1/2 yr old. And I have already trained his older 3 brothers. He just refuses to use the potty. His little potty is used as a stool...UGH!!
ReplyDeleteman i am sure glad that we are past potty training in our household. brings back many memories!! jaxon was 5 when we were finally able to not buy diapers. We used the chart and stckers and then at the end of the month he was given a prize for so many stickers. i just forget how many it was. i do remember that it took more than 1 month. hang in there! he did not go to kindergarten with diapers that i know for sure! like you said good thing he is cute!
ReplyDeleteOh I feel your pain. My DS refused point blank to use a potty at all. We got a trainer seat for the toilet and he was more than happy to use that, also a step up for the toilet so he could go 'big boy' style like Daddy. He was big on privacy too, perhaps that is why he preferred the toilet to a potty in the middle of a room with folks watching him.
ReplyDeleteI hope things work out for you soon.
(BTW didn't have it all easy, my third child was well over three when she even contemplated toilet training, though she does have slight developmental delay in most areas so it wasn't unexpected).
I agree with Suzanne: use the trainer seat for the toilet, with a small step-up stool. One a child decides to use it, there is no transition from the little pottie to the big toilet.
ReplyDeleteThere is a wide age range when little ones finally learn to use the toilet.
My first was child (who's 14 now)was really hard, especially at night. Looking back, I was late at potty training too. So I took the medical view and found that sometimes the muscle that controls the bladder doesn't mature like it should... there's really nothing you can do but have patience and wait.
ReplyDeleteMy sister had it hard too, my nephew needed the diaper... until I made her stop buying them... one week later he was potty trained!
In the end, every child is different and one method may not work for another...
I am in this club also. My daughter is 3 and likes to sit on the potty, but won't go. I have read all of these suggestions and may try a few, but so far nothing has done the trick. She is tubborn like her mother. ;)