Friday, September 21, 2007
Cosmo Picasso: Charity Hassel
We found Charity on twopeas and loved her style (just look at these layouts). She has done so many Cosmo layouts, that it was hard to pick which ones to post and she told me she has two being published in MM 601 idea book. Now, I would say there's a girl who has earned her title! We love you, Charity, congratulations!
About Charity: I am 32 years old. I have been married to my honey, Brian, for five years. We have a 3 year old named Alexander and Audrey Marie who is 10 months old. I work one shift a week as a RN in the Surgical ICU at Mayo. Other than that, I'm a stay at home mom!
What makes you tick? Family, chocolate, bubble baths, diet coke, helping others.
Why are you so wonderful? I try to follow the golden rule, try to have balance in my life, stay thankful and laugh each day!
How did you become a scrapbooker? I have kept little scrapbooks since high-school, but really got into it after getting married five years ago. I started by scrapping a trip I had taken to India. After that, I was hooked! I kind-of taught myself by reading books, looking at online galleries and experimenting.
When you hit a slump creatively, how do you get out of it? I check out my favorite online galleries. Sometimes doing a challenge helps. I've also been known to check out the covers in bookstores, look at home decorating stores, etc. for ideas.
What’s your favorite thing to do besides scrapbooking? Spending time with my family and my girlfriends. My life right now is mostly about taking care of my family, especially my little ones. So, the time I get to spend just goofing off with the girls, having a date night with hubby or shopping with my mom is a fun change!
What tried and true technique can you always rely on? I love cutting patterns out of paper with my exacto knife.
What music do you listen to when you scrapbook? Well, I scrapbook at my dining room table which is part of an open floorplan at my house. So, I scrap to my husband's classic movies or sci-fi shows playing in the background.
What’s your most embarrassing memory (that you are willing to share) and did you scrap it? The one that sticks out in my mind right now was during a high school pageant. It was the first time I had ever entered something like that and I was so nervous. I walked out on stage in my evening gown, on the arm of a handsome young guy. My humoungous puffed sleeve got caught on the tensil curtain we had to walk through to the stage. I was REALLY stuck, but the guy with me didn't notice and kept walking. I almost fell and the tensil curtain about came down with me! So much for poise and grace! After barely averting disaster, I had to stop, stand there and pull myself free of the monstrous tensil beast! I haven't scrapped that lovely memory yet!
you ROCK charity, you talented girly, you!!!! :)