Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Insatiable Raspberry Cosmo

My friend saw this and had to get if for me. Besides having Cosmo in the name the girl on the label looks just like me. Except that she has brown hair and mine is blonde, hers is long and mine is short, she is super skinny and I am........... well let's just say I really love chocolate! But other than that I look just like her.


  1. I love fruity smells so it looks/sounds pretty "yummy" to me. And yes, I like chocolate too ;-) Isn't it always nice to have a friend that views us though rose colored glasses??

  2. Seriously, I love your sense of humor. I poke in and out of your blog all the time cracking up at your posts (my husband doesn't even get that much action - he's jealous.) I don't know anyone who lives in Utah that has such a great sense of humor - my brother included (and my aunt, uncle, cousins - well the whole fandamily really). Thanks for sharing your humor. It's MUCH appreciated!

    Oh yeah, your products are amoung my all time favorites - thanks for sharing your creativity with us too! I can't wait to see what you have going on at CHA! You're definitely on my "must visit" list!


  3. Hi.
    Do you know, if I can buy "Rapberry Cosmo" on the Internet? :)
    Rikke, Denmark
