Besides the arrival of each of our children, I would say the proudest day in Eric's life was the arrival of his fork lift. According to Eric, "you're not really a company until you own a forklift."
There is this weird thing that happens when men and forklifts come together. They get this little twinkle in their eye and a mischievous grin on their face. Then, they revert to their 14 year old selves and start doing...... should we say....... not the smartest things. There are forklift races, hey-look-at-me-stunts, and other crazy ideas.
These photos are of Joey, one of our warehouse guys. If you look closely at the top photo you'll notice he is holding his tongue just right. This is very important as it cuts down on forklift expenses. And did you know that forklifts are very expensive? They cost around $15,000 unless you get the used, economy model, moderately priced at $5000. Then, after you get one you will have to pay to repair your overhead door that somehow became dented and won't open anymore.